Publication Ethics Statement

Instructions for Authors

The Editorial Board of IJIMH- International Journal of Innovative Medicine & Healthcare journal carries out its activities in accordance with international ethical rules of scientific publications as detailed by the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, based on the control of publications placement process as well as on minimization of the risks of unfair practices related to the publication of works.

Ethical principles of the author while manuscript submission

The author, who presented the manuscript for publication, shall be guided by the following principles:

  • the works submitted must include credible research results;
  • the authors must provide original materials, borrowed parts require mandatory reference to the source; it is not allowed to have unformed quotations presence of a significant percentage of borrowed parts in the scientific work is unacceptable, as well as complete plagiarism;
  • the designation of all persons who have contributed to the development of the research theme in the article is an important condition;
  • it is unacceptable to submit a manuscript that was already published in a third-party journal or is in consideration for publication;
  • in case of detection of inaccuracies or errors in the work, it is necessary to inform about this fact the editorial board timely.

Ethical principles in the activity of the reviewer

Reviewer's activity occupies a significant place in the course of the examination of academic works, whereby unconditional compliance with the following principles is provided:

  • the reviewer who is aware of the insufficient level of his qualifications for consideration of specific study materials or has doubts about the timeliness of reviewing,- should warn the editors in advance;
  • the reviewer agrees to act in accordance with confidentiality terms, which do not allow to transfer of the work for review or discussion to third parties who do not obtain proper authority;
  • unpublished articles are not valid for personal use without the prior written consent of the author;
  • when similarities of research with existing similar works are detected the reviewer shall immediately inform the editors;
  • reviewing of scientific work should be impartial and objective, and comments should be set forth reasonably. It is strictly forbidden to use personal criticism of the author.

Professional ethics of editor and publisher

The publisher is responsible for the placement within the journal of the author's works, and therefore adheres to the following principles:

  • in the matter of admission of the work to be published editing house is based on the reliability of the material presented in the article, as well as its scientific significance;
  • the publisher should not publish articles that are partially or totally plagiarized;
  • the publisher should not publish articles that contain discrimination on race, sex, religion, origin, nationality, and political beliefs;
  • the publisher guarantees the confidentiality of unpublished material sent for consideration;
  • the publisher is obliged to participate in the emerging conflicts and to take measures for their resolution.