
©Publisher: Representation of the International Diaspora Center of Azerbaijan in Georgia. NGO RIDCAG. (Georgia Tbilisi). 

Publishing department: Southern Caucasus Scientific Journals.

Deputy of head of organization: Seyfulla Isayev 

Registered address: Marneuli municipality, Georgia, 0165.

Registered by Public register of Georgia, on 28/05/2013, R/C 434161097.

©Publisher: Society of Azerbaijanis living in Georgia. NGO. (Georgia, Tbilisi)

Deputy of director of organization: Seyfulla Isayev.    

©Editorial office: Tbilisi, Georgia, 0163.

Registered by Public register of Georgia, on 11/04/2013, R/C 406090901.

Publishing department: Southern Caucasus Scientific Journals.